Activated Charcoal Toothbrush

Product information

Binchotan Activated Charcoal Toothbrush by Purity Brush

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Binchotan Charcoal – natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral
Estimated by Purity Brush to be 90% binchotan charcoal, 10% Nylon-4 infused bristles (which biodegrade in approximately 4 months) and Moso bamboo handle
Brand claims
Protects teeth from germs – you can give additional protection to your teeth with bristles infused with natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral binchotan charcoal
100% biodegradable
Close to nature?

Non-toxic and chemical free. Bio-based, sustainable and renewable
Sustainable alternative to plastic
Natural, vegan and BPA free
Doesn’t splinter easily
More expensive than a regular toothbrush
Some people find the bristles too soft
Might need to leave it out to dry
A very small number of people have said that a couple of bristles came out after use
Handy hints
Replace every 3 months or so
Air dry between uses to avoid mould
How often should I use it?
Morning and night


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