Activated Charcoal Toothbrush

Not All Activated Charcoal Toothbrushes are Created Equal

“Hey look at that amazingly huge pile of plastic toothbrushes that will NEVER decompose” said no one ever! Consider activated charcoal toothbrushes. You will be making a small but meaningful contribution to the world we live in.

We’ve already talked about activated charcoal tooth powders and cleaners on the C&B blog, however, what about taking your teeth cleaning experience to another eco-friendly level? Consider an activated charcoal infused toothbrush. Why?  A toothbrush with activated charcoal infused bristles is said to:

  • Absorb toxins
  • Be naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and act as an antiviral agent
  • Prevent harmful bacteria growing in the brush between brushing your teeth
  • Assist to whiten teeth (depending on how much activated charcoal is used)
  • Fight plaque and eliminate/help prevent bad breath

Even better, look for a toothbrush that has a handle made with bamboo. Why? They are:

  • Super lightweight as a toothbrush handle
  • A sustainable resource requiring no pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • Plays a role in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is carbon neutral
  • Able to be returned to earth in compost
  • Biodegradable into soil with no pollution

What else should I look for in an activated charcoal toothbrush?

  • Where using an activated charcoal toothbrush with a bamboo handle, buy from companies that use sustainable and renewable sources of bamboo
  • Bristles made from a BPA free polymer are best because they are resistant to microbial growth during normal use, ensuring safety and durability
  • Finally, look for a toothbrush that is BPA free, verified non-toxic (including the packaging), chemical free and in recycled packaging

Anything else I need to know? 

  • When activated charcoal toothbrushes are poorly designed, the bristles fall out, so check some user reviews before you buy
  • Try to avoid getting the bamboo handle wet – it may feel a little weird and “slimy” when you pick it up again.
  • Check brand claims – some claim their bristles are biodegradable, but many brands cannot provide evidence of this. Finally, look for certified bio-based bristles as they contain less petroleum-based plastic than other toothbrushes C&B

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